Rad Reading-October

In October, I read Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow. Girl In Pieces is about a girl named Charlie Davis. Charlie is a seventeen year old girl who copes with her feelings by using self-harm. Charlie has a terrible past and is quickly put into a girls home called, Creely. After she realizes that she can no longer afford living at Creely, she finds herself out on the streets. Her best friend died, her mother wants nothing from her, she has no one left, so it leads Charlie to figure out how to live life again without returning to her harmful past. She remembers all her trainings from Creely, so she won’t go back to her self-harm ways, but this new world tries to threaten her recovery. You’d be surprised to read all hardships that are thrown at her.

I loved this book! Girl In Pieces is all about the reality of someone who deals with the exact same things as Charlie Davis. The author did a great job at explaining the emotions and thoughts of what goes on in someone’s mind. There’s multiple themes and lessons that people can relate and learn from. One of my favorite things about this book, is that readers can see the character development. Charlie started off as a timid, afraid girl, who desperately needs someone to love her. At the end of the story, Charlie becomes an independent woman who learned sometimes all you need is yourself. You can definitely tell how much Charlie Davis changes overtime.

After reading this book, my favorite character was Blue. At the start, Blue hated Charlie and was not always the nicest person. Throughout the book, Blue changed and began to become a friend towards Charlie. She was there for Charlie’s bad times and good times and she always was willing to help Charlie. Blue is thoughtful about Charlie’s feelings and genuinely wants to be friends with her. One quote that proves this is when Blue and Charlie start to have a heartfelt moment, Blue decides to share her feelings to Charlie. Page 371, “I’m not that, Charlie. I want to be friends. I think we could help each other. I like you so much.”

My favorite quote from Girl In Pieces is page 355, “Everyone has that moment, I think, the moment when something so… momentous happens that it rips your very being into small pieces. And it takes such a very long time, not to fit them back together, but to assemble them in a new way, not necessarily a better way. More, a way you can live with until you know for certain that this piece should go there, and that one there.” I admire this quite a lot because it has an incredible meaning to it. It’s very true that sometimes things might being going your way until one little thing makes you crumble. Then it takes you quite a long time to recover, but eventually you learn and grow. This theme/quote is carried on throughout the book. You can definitely see how Charlie Davis uses this exact phrase to push herself to recovery. At the end of the book, Charlie refers to the quote and it shows how Charlie picked up her pieces and fit them in a way that she’s certain they go there.

2 thoughts on “Rad Reading-October

  1. I genuinely love this book, I read it about 2 years ago. Your rad reading about this book really does explain what happens in the story. When you first read the book did you already know that blue was gonna end up being your favorite character?

  2. I got two more books by this author. I can show you where they are on the bookshelf if you have not already got them and want to borrow them! 🙂

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